The Deputy Speaker of the Oyo State House of Assembly, Honorable Muhammad Abiodun Fadeyi has encouraged the Muslim faithful to honor and promote the Significance of the Eid celebration.

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Honorable Fadeyi urges Muslims to see that they are committed to the acts of sacrificial giving, such as giving money or food to the less privileged. As it is a way of ensuring that everyone can partake in the festive spirit.

Sacrificial giving in Islam is nothing else than a natural expression of homage and gratitude to Almighty Allah, it also makes us socialize and bond with family and friends thereby promoting unity among the faithful.

He also stressed that the significance of this occasion is faith, obedience, submission, and love. Thereby encouraging everyone to show love to their neighbors as they can as it attracts blessings of Allah.

In conclusion, OYHA Deputy Speaker appeals to Nigerians to utilize this festive season to get closer to Allah and also pray for Peace and Unity in Nigeria. “Our country need prayer, and it is our collective responsibility to use every means and opportunity we have to pray to Almighty Allah for a greater and better nation. Barka De Salah to us all.”


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